

Curriculum Intent

At Polam Hall School our English curriculum aims to:

  • Instil a life-long love and enthusiasm for reading, writing and the spoken word.
  • Promote an appreciation for the art of effective and eloquent communication.
  • Recognise the value of words above everything and develop a culture of word-consciousness where students are able to use vocabulary effectively.
  • Deliver creative, engaging and innovative lessons which develop curiosity and confidence in writing, reading and oral communication skills.
  • Enable pupils to work independently and as part of a community, supporting one another in their learning journey.
  • Nurture imagination and creativity within our pupils, encouraging them to explore their own love and curiosity for language and literature.


In Key Stage 3, our students are familiarised with fundamental skills needed for future examinations and thereafter. We draw upon a range of teaching and learning strategies to promote independence, resilience and confidence into our students – as well as nurturing essential reading, writing and communicative skills. At Polam Hall School we assess KS3 students against age related expectations and have defined the curriculum for all Senior School students through the core skills and core knowledge for each year group.


In Key Stage 4, students build upon the ability to develop an insightful, perceptive and analytical exploration of Language, whilst enhancing their own crafted use of vocabulary and techniques.

At GCSE students follow the AQA English Language and Literature specifications. Further details can be found using this link:

Subject Documents  
KS4 Core Skills and Knowledge English Language.pdf Download
KS4 Core Skills and Knowledge English Literature.pdf Download
Reading in the English Curriculum Progression Map Download
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